Cool Tropics 100% Fruit Juice Slush

“OMG!!! The kids LOVED the RiPS! The managers are all saying the same thing, ‘our kids were so excited and can’t wait to have them again’. A Home Run! Thank You!”
“Yesterday was our biggest day since we started RiPS a la carte and we sold 1080 of them. We have 17,700 students so that means 6% of our entire student population bought a RiPS!”
“We had RIPS for the first time today. They were a huge hit. The lunch-boxers were sad they couldn’t buy one so we told them to buy lunch the next time and they could get one!”
“RIPS have been a fun and nutritional addition to our monthly elementary school menus. Students look forward to having them and participation goes up on RIPS day. They are a wonderful treat.”
“We put the RIPS on the taco salad menu……look at what happened to the counts!!!! Today with RiPS it was 3312. The taco salad counts were 2846 & 2505 before.”
“Currently on a minimum days we are lucky to serve 100 students lunch here at the high school. …On our first minimum day (early release) here this year with no advertising we gave Cool Tropics slush with each meal and we served 233.”